Chapter Leader Training - Your Board Service 2018 - 2019

2018-2019 Board 101 Training: Serving on a Board of Directors

Activities Included:

Video - Board 101 Training: Serving on a Board of Directors

Module 1 - Resource Center

Test #1 - Board 101 Training: Serving on a Board of Directors


2018-2019 Board 101 Training: MPI Global & Chapter Partnership: Understanding Your Chapter Partnership

Activities Included:

Video - MPI Global & Chapter Partnership: Understanding Your Chapter Partnership

Module 2 - Resource Center

Test #2 - MPI Global & Chapter Partnership: Understanding Your Chapter Partnership

2018-2019 Board 101 Training: Chapter Standards and Metrics: Understanding Your Chapters Partnership

Activities Included:

Video - Chapter Standards and Metrics: Understanding Your Chapters Partnership

Module 3 - Resource Center

Test #3 - Chapter Standards and Metrics: Understanding Your Chapters Partnership

Understanding and Managing Sexual Harassment

Activities Included:

Understanding and Managing Sexual Harassment

2018-2019 Leadership Development Role Training Understanding Your Role

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors in the role of Leadership Development. Insight into your specific functions as it relates to your role as well as oversight and management of committees, providing volunteer value, volunteer and leadership professional development and recognizing volunteers.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand your role in Leadership Development and execution of your responsibilities
  • Understand the value proposition of volunteering and how to recruite and retain volunteers
  • Committee management, delegation and execution skills as well as understanding of leadership styles

Activities Included:

Video-Leadership Development Role Training Understanding Your Role

Test #1 Leadership Development Role Training Understanding Your Role

2018-2019 Office of President Training - Understanding Your Role

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors as the Office of President. Insight into leading and managing a group of volunteer business owners, accountability, financial management and business planning strategies.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand how to lead and oversee the management of a board of directors
  • Understand how to hold leaders accountable and fullfill the vision and mission
  • Basic board financial management and business planning strategies

Activities Included:

Office of President Training - Understanding Your Role

Office of President Training - Understanding Your Role

Evaluation Office of the President Role Training

Resource Center Module

Retreat Strategies Training

Evaluation Retreat Strategies Training

Chapter Transition Training

Evaluation Transition Planning

2018-2019 Educational Role Training

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors in an Educational leadership role. The module provides additional insight into your specific functions as it relates to your role as well as advice on designing educational programs, using demographic data to drive attendee engagement and finding creative programming ideas.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand your role in Education leadership and execution of your responsibilities as they affect the educational satisfaction and attendee engagement
  • Analyze chapter demographics and needs to create more engaging and relevant educational experiences
  • Utilize industry best practices to discover new ways of programming, designing and executing educational programs

Activities Included:

Module 1 Education Boot-camp

Module 2 Education Resources

Module 3 - Resource Center

Evaluation Education Role Training

2018-2019 Marketing and Communication Role Training

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors in a Marketing and Communications leadership role. The module provides additional insight into your specific functions as it relates to your role as well as advice on creating strategic marketing and communication plans, using data to make better decisions and brand compliance issues.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand your role in Marketing and Communications leadership and execution of your responsibilities as they affect different components of chapter leadership and events.
  • Analyze chapter demographics and needs to create marketing and communication strategies
  • Utilize historical data, demographics and key performance indicators to inform the creation of marketing and communication plans, its execution strategy and post-campaign evaluation.

Activities Included:

Module 1 - Resource Center

Communications & Marketing Role Training

Evaluation Marketing and Communications

2018-2019 Special Events Role Training

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors in the role of Special Events. Insight into your specific functions as it relates to your role as well as oversight and management of committees, event logistics, and setting goals and objectives for special events.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand your role in Special Events strategic management and execution of your responsibilities
  • Create SMART objectives and how to measure event success
  • Identifying committee management, delegation and execution skills as well as understanding of leadership styles.

Activities Included:

Module 1 - Resource Center

Special Events Training

Evaluation Special Events Role Training

2018-2019 Membership Role Training: Understanding Your Role & Responsibilities

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors in the role of Membership. Insight into your specific functions as it relates to your role as well as oversight and management of committees, member acquisition and member retention.

Course Objectives 

  • Understand your role in Membership strategic management and execution of your responsibilities
  • Identify best practices for member onboarding and engagement, as well as acquisition and recognition
  • Understand committee structure and management, as well as the assistance and resources provided by MPI Global

Activities Included:


Evaluation Membership Role Training

Resource Center

2018-2019 Finance Role Training: Understanding Your Role & Responsibilities

This training will provide a basic understanding of the responsibilities related to serving on a MPI Board of Directors in the role of Finance. Insight into your specific functions as it relates to your role as well as oversight and management of committees, chapter accounting best practices and financial oversight best practices.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand your role in Finance strategic management and execution of your responsibilities
  • Understand chapter financial best practices for accounting, budget management and creating financial statements
  • Identifying ways to work with chapter administrator and MPI Global as well as the chapter board of directors

Activities Included:

Video Finance Role Training

Finance Role Training Evaluation

Resource Center Module