MPI Online Mastermind

Date: August 14, 2019

Time: 12:00PM - 01:00PM

You must be registered to participate!

1 Clock Hour | Domain E: Human Resources

The most valuable asset of MPI is our network and our collective knowledge - so let's use it!

Using anonymous online technology, it is now possible to deploy a process to gather collective knowledge in your workplace or from any expert group. In this webinar, we will go over how to can do this, and conduct a sample session.

We will anonymously submit the problems and greatest challenges we face in our work. The group will vote on which challenges they feel are the most pressing to discuss and work on. Then, utilizing an Open Space-type process tailored for online use, we will brainstorm and provide solutions.

1. You'll find out if other peers share and think your problem is as pressing as you do
2. We will brainstorm and solve your toughest problems together

Anonymity empowers authenticity, enables a greater diversity of voices, and empowers those who may not otherwise speak up to bring their ideas to the table. In this session you will experience first-hand how much more honest you can be with anonymous collaboration and feedback.

Learner Outcomes:

  • Learn how to leverage the knowledge and experience of a group to collectively solve actual problems in an open group discussion.
  • Learn how to use an online Open Space process in combination with anonymous feedback tools to help uncover emerging issues and to more effectively solve them.
  • Learn how to inspire cohesion, transparency and trust among a group by sharing problems anonymously and solving them together.
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