
06242020 - Rethinking the Incentive Trip

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

1 Clock Hour | Domain E: Human Resources

As we continue to revisit or event models, incentive trips should be no different. Why does only the executives and sales team go? What about the product team, what about customer success, and what about legal and HR? Well, it doesn’t have to be this way. At Alation we have been able to rethink the incentive trip to ensure every employee is eligible to attend. We will discuss not just the how-tos but the OUTCOMES of this shift.

Learner Outcomes

1. Why Incentives should be available to every employee?

2. How can you actually pull off engaging the entire company?

3. What can your executive sponsor expect in way of ROI?

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