Oxygen, Please! Self-Care Strategies to Slay Workplace Burnout

Date: July 22, 2020

Time: 12:00PM - 01:00PM

You must be registered to participate!

1 Clock Hour | Domain E: Human Resources 

Self-care is as important as oxygen. While companies are working hard to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced, overstressed world, and authenticity is valued in the workplace - many employees are burned out, stressed out, and maxed-out. This results in low employee morale, and decreased performance - the opposite of what a thriving, successful business wants. How can one be true and authentic when they are exhausted? We strive to meet workplace goals and demands, at the expense of our own personal wellness. What if we spin this practice on its head?

My own physical and mental well-being first. Place the oxygen mask on myself first.

Why? So I am operating at my fullest potential, and benefitting the bottom line.

By incorporating simple, self-care strategies into our lives, we can slay workplace burnout and rejuvenate our sense of purpose. The simple truth is this: caring for yourself will allow you to show up as your best self at work and at home.

This fast-paced, webinar attendees will be empowered to reignite their self-care practices, allowing them to show up as their authentic selves and contribute to positive workplace culture.

Learner Outcomes: 

  • Investigate simple, positive changes to increase your physical and mental health
  • Evaluate effective stress management techniques
  • Discover simple lifestyle changes to increase your overall wellness and workplace satisfaction
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